He used to think that the mind was the most powerful thing, but in truth, intuition is the key. Our 48-year-old client, Manish confessed this after a series of intense experiences during the Automatic Writing Workshop with us. This was back when we held an offline workshop in Mumbai.
The sole purpose of Manish as he decided to go for the workshop was to (dis)prove that Automatic Writing was scientific. His curiosity and presumptions brought him closer to his Higher Self than he could’ve imagined.
Is ‘Automatic’ Writing scientific?
Manish was the kind of person who relied on mind, logic, and reason above everything else. These were his tools, so to say, just like many of us. He wanted to understand how ‘inspiration’ or ‘action’ could be driven from anywhere but the conscious mind.
Manish entered the workshop expecting a very straightforward yes or no answer. Instead, he tapped into his Spirit Guides and channeled and channeled information he could not have known otherwise.
Not only did he get clear-cut guidance on his life journey, his path, and purpose, but he also tapped into information about his wife and her paternal grandfather.
This left both him and his wife shocked, for there was no way he could have known what he then channeled.
His intuitive flow was undeniable and clear. He had entered a deep ocean of self-realization, vision, knowledge, and guidance, and he could not stop swimming.
Do Spirit Guides punish us if we don’t follow their guidance?
When Manish asked us this question a few days after the workshop, it was not a random incident. It was a result of something very personal that led him to this thought.
Manish, unaware of the fact that his daughter had applied for some competition at her school, was advised against her daughter’s participation by his Guides. However, he did not pay heed to this guidance and his daughter went on to perform in the competition.
Unfortunately, she had a very bad fall during the competition, leading Manish to wonder if Spirit Guides punish us if we don’t follow their guidance.
He asked us the same. To this, we informed him that our Guides can only do their job: guide us. They can warn us about something but they cannot take action on our behalf. We have free will to make our own decisions.
Manish was able to bridge the gap between his Spirit Guides and himself through Automatic Writing and that changed him. He entered the space as a different person and left it as a completely different person.
This isn’t just a story of proving a hypothesis; instead, it’s a tale of truth and faith. It involves breaking through the barriers of our Ego mind and tapping into the higher consciousness within us.
Through automatic writing experience, we can unlock profound insights and examples of this extraordinary writing journey.
If you seek guidance and validation outside of yourself, consider delving deeper into your intuition through Automatic Writing. Discover what your Spirit Guides have to say as you come closer to your inner wisdom.
Additionally, explore how Automatic Writing can be beneficial if you’re looking for ways to gain freelance writing experience.
To learn Automatic Writing is to transform how you have been living.
Experience how to start writing with our Automatic Writing Workshop. 55 batches of the Automatic Writing Workshop have graduated from us. Our 56th batch has a seat for you if your free will says yes to it. Make your life easier, more conscious, and more purposeful with Automatic Writing.
Feel free to calm your curiosities and queries about the workshop by connecting with us at 9811626045. You can also write to us at kumar.manmeet@gmail.com.
Till then, Love and Blessings.

Dr. Manmeet Kumar is a Spiritual Coach who founded Soul Miracles in 2016. She uses her gifts of being a psychic and a medium to enable others to transform their inner core.