When was the last time you made decisions based on intuition rather than logic?
For many of us, intuition often takes a back seat to logic in our decision-making process. We are taught to analyze situations, weigh pros and cons, and make rational choices. But what if we tapped into our intuition more often? What if we trusted that gut feeling, that inner voice guiding us toward what feels right?
Our intuition is our True North.
Listening to your intuition can be incredibly empowering in an often loud and busy world. Testing and improving your intuition isn’t just about predicting the future. It is more about tuning in to those gut feelings that help you make better decisions and navigate life’s challenges.
You may read: Can we develop our Intuition! Part one – taking a step into this world…
Highly successful people were once called crazy for their unconventional decisions. That is because they trusted their gut feelings. A close friend said, “You’re crazy! I hope you know what you’re doing,” when I told her I was leaving my corporate job and starting a spiritual business.
I would have laughed if someone had told me ten years later that I would be a Spiritual Master, teaching and spreading spirituality to people. You never know where your gut might lead you. My decision was an automatic response.
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I did not stop to think, overanalyze, or wallow. I just went wherever my intuition took me. And seven years later, here I am, running a successful business and, in the process, touching millions of lives spiritually.
When life gets tough, one is expected to feel lost and unsure of which path to take. You might start doubting yourself, wondering if your gut feelings guide you or if you act out of fear or pressure. Trusting yourself is not always easy, but it is worth the effort.
Over the years, I have learned that our intuition can sometimes be spot-on, but it might lead us astray at other times. Intuitive abilities are innate. Quite true. But these skills require practice and honing to trust them. Testing your intuition is one way to ensure your intuitive skills are on point.
What is Intuition?
Lots of people think of intuition as a gut feeling, but it is more than that. The word itself means “to look within” in Latin. Intuition is when the left part of your brain makes connections and jumps to conclusions without you even realizing it.
For example, when you suddenly think of someone you have not seen in ages, your brain links the idea of that person with their image. This mental process is what makes up your intuition.
Intuition is like a doorway to our psychic abilities, allowing us to understand the world. Edgar Cayce, the first psychic fondly referred to as the “Sleeping Prophet,” believed honing our intuition could unlock powerful psychic insights.
Testing your intuitive abilities involves listening to your inner voice and trusting the messages you receive. You can enhance your psychic abilities by practicing meditation, paying attention to gut feelings, and keeping a journal of intuitive experiences.
Trusting your intuition can lead to clearer visions, stronger connections with the spiritual realm, and greater clarity in your life’s journey.
Explore further: How to Identify Comprehend the Signs & Synchronicities from Universe and Guides
We use intuition every day without even knowing it. For instance, you want to purchase an asset, and your close relative butts in to help. But you feel strongly against it as if your gut is telling you to stop the process for now. If you have ever felt such things without knowing why, that is your intuition at play.
It also comes in handy for big decisions, like how entrepreneurs trust their gut when deciding on new projects. Sometimes, when faced with a problem, your brain might come up with solutions seemingly out of the blue—that is your intuition working behind the scenes.
Here are a few ways to test your intuition and strengthen it.
1. Write down everything that pops into your mind
Your mind will conjure a million thoughts in one second. Grab a pen and paper and jot down every idea that comes to your mind, even the random ones. It is like giving shape to your intuition.
For instance, you have a party next week, and suddenly, you think your friend will wear a green dress to the party. Record the thought. When you go to the party, test whether your guess is accurate.
Similarly, you wonder if your mom cooked your favorite dal khichdi. It may sound weird and seemingly trivial, but check with her to confirm your thoughts. This exercise is a great way to test your intuitive abilities.
It is more than a guessing game. It helps you become more aware of your inner thoughts, making your intuition solid and trustworthy.
2. Intuitive Testing in Your Daily Life
Another way to hone your intuition is through daily intuitive testing. This involves making predictions about everyday events. For example, you can try to guess what dress your spouse will wear today or what excuse your maid will come up with for being late again.
You can do this by saying your thoughts aloud, like, “Today, I think I am going to meet someone who will change my life forever,” or “I am sure it is going to cats and dogs tonight.”
By verbalizing these predictions, you are actively engaging with your intuition and training it to become more accurate over time. It is similar to flexing a muscle—it gets better with practice!
3. Ask for signs
A straightforward way to test your intuition is by asking for signs from the universe or your Spirit Guides. You can set an intention or ask a question and then pay attention to the signs or signals you receive in response. Automatic Writing is a great way to do this.
For example, if you are unsure about a new job opportunity, you can use Automatic Writing to ask for a sign if it is the right path. In response, you might see a particular animal repeatedly, come across meaningful symbols, or notice a series of coincidences related to the decision.
Let’s say you are considering moving to a new city for a job offer. You ask the Universe for a sign to guide your decision. Over the next few days, you keep seeing images of that city in unexpected places, like on billboards or in conversations with friends.
You also notice a feeling of excitement and possibility whenever you think about the move. These are signs that the new opportunity aligns with your path.
By actively seeking signs and paying attention to your intuition, you can gain insight and clarity into your life decisions.
4. Buddy Intuitive Play
“Buddy intuitive play” is a fun way to test your intuition with a friend. Here’s how it works:
First, find a friend who is interested in exploring intuition with you. Then, take turns making predictions or guesses about simple things, like the color of the following car that passes by, or choose which line will move the fastest at the grocery store.
For example, you and your friend might sit together and predict what flavor of ice cream the next customer at a shop will order. You could take turns saying your guesses and then see who gets it right.
When playing intuitive games with a buddy, you can compare your intuitive impressions with theirs. This feedback loop can help validate your intuitive insights and refine your abilities. Discussing your experiences with your friend can offer new perspectives and insights.
5. Random Page Revelations
You can test your intuition by randomly opening a holy book, like the Bhagavad Gita, and seeing if the passage you read resonates with your thoughts, feelings, or current situation.
Choose a holy book that holds significance for you, and open the book to a random page without any specific intention in mind. Read the passage that you landed on and reflect on its meaning.
Close the book and reopen it without noting down the page number. Check if you found the same message you had read earlier.
Consider making decisions intuitively rather than logically for the next month. If all your choices are correct, then your intuition is on point. Ask your guides if you are on the right track. Instead of overanalyzing every choice, listen to your gut feelings and follow your instincts.
Whether picking a restaurant for dinner or making more significant life choices, let intuition guide you. At the end of the month, reflect on the outcomes of your decisions to see if intuition led you in the right direction.
If things don’t turn out as planned, it could mean your intuition is haywire and needs working. However, the experiment will help you understand when to rely on intuition and when to think things through more logically.
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Dr. Manmeet Kumar is a Spiritual Coach who founded Soul Miracles in 2016. She uses her gifts of being a psychic and a medium to enable others to transform their inner core.
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