Why do the relationships you forge—the ones you painstakingly build over the years—sometimes feel exhausting and draining? To put it in finer terms, why is it that you give everything in the relationship yet receive nothing in return?
There will be times when you feel like running away, that you are done serving others, and need your space to calm things down. It can be a heartbreak, a betrayal, or someone trying to take sheer advantage of your kindness.
In all these cases, you will feel as if your energy is depleting, that you are alone and no longer possess the strength to go on. This phenomenon is what Spiritual Masters call “Porosity in Your Energetic Boundaries.”
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What are Energetic Boundaries?
For the uninitiated, Energetic Boundaries are subtle auric fields surrounding our physical body. These fields have many layers, with the outermost layer being the thickest, giving them a structure and resembling an egg. These energy fields are interactive; they absorb and emit energy.
That is why we can read or sense people when they walk into our space. Our energetic fields respond to trauma and healing energies. They serve our mental, physical, and emotional responses to tricky situations.
For instance, if someone gives you the cold shoulder, your energy fields tune into the vibes they’re emitting, making you realize they intentionally ignore you.
But what you should do on such occasions is entirely up to you. You can either drown in the whirlpool or swim against the currents as an act of self-preservation. Protecting your energetic boundaries is an opportunity to grow spiritually and soulfully.
So, what does that mean, exactly? In simple terms, it is all about setting boundaries. It’s about understanding your moral, ethical, and energetic feelings and choosing what you want to be around.
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How can Boundaries Help You?
- Energetic Boundaries help bring your spiritual essence into your life by expressing your inner identity.
- When created and managed correctly, they make sure your authentic self – not the ideas, thoughts, and beliefs that aren’t you – is in charge of your life.
- They help express your true feelings to the world, telling everyone exactly who you are, what you want, and how they can treat you.
- When you craft these boundaries, feelings of resentment, exhaustion, anger, frustration, anxiety, fear, embarrassment, and distraction vanish because you don’t have to say “Yes” when you really want to say “No.” You are in charge of your actions and reactions.
- When you generate appropriate energetic boundaries, people treat you with respect
- You can avoid bad-energy situations and make personally satisfying decisions/
- Creating energetic boundaries attracts wealth and abundance, eliminates addictive habits, and establishes and maintains healthy relationships.
At every stage of building your energy boundaries, your exposure to light and joy increases because you can tune out others’ negativity and listen to your inner voice.
How Do You Set Boundaries?
When we talk about boundaries, people always misunderstand that we attempt to isolate ourselves from them. No. Boundaries do not automatically mean we try to keep people away.
They mean we are building a constructive relationship that does not affect either of our emotions, thoughts, or actions.
Let’s take a few examples and analyze how you could respond to such circumstances while maintaining energy boundaries.
1. You and your partner had planned a great weekend trip to the mountains. Everything was set—the stay, food, and transport—and you paid a hefty price to spend a starry night on a hilltop. You are damn excited and awaiting this getaway. And here comes the twist! Your in-laws are sick and need you.
Now, the whole atmosphere in the house changes. You become moody and irritable, snap at your partner, and feel like this only happens to you. This surly aura is stressing you out, in addition to the caregiver role you’re currently performing.
It means you are diminishing your energy resources, letting yourself be consumed by negativity, and, in the process, losing your happiness.
What you can do is choose to alter your reaction. Setting energetic boundaries helps with that. You will then understand how to distinguish between what you need and what you don’t. Instead of feeling grumpy about your situation, choose to accept it.
You selectively let those energies that serve your mental peace. As a result, you will realize it was an inadvertent twist of events beyond your control. You can always reschedule your vacation, and who knows?
The next time you plan a tour, you may make more memories than you bargained for.
In this scenario, you do not let external factors – the ones you have no reign over – affect your energy state. You prefer to control the energy that comes into your personal space.
It is okay not to take things personally and ruminate them. In the end, nobody gets hurt.
You do not disrupt the relationship with your partner or your in-laws. And your life improves dramatically because now your loved ones know what you want and respect your space.
2.You have put endless energy into helping your friend on numerous occasions. But they do not appreciate your efforts or take responsibility for their actions.
In this case, no matter how empathetic you may feel, it is not an excuse to take one’s benevolence lightly.
You can help no more than trying to shove a boulder on your own. However, you may try if they are not ready to or do not desire change; it only turns into a fool’s errand.
In this case, standing up for your boundaries becomes crucial instead of letting others ignore or cross them. You understand that each person grows and learns at their own pace, and part of that growth is making them responsible for what they do.
They might not realize your value now, but someday, they might see the kindness you were offering them.
You realize this wasn’t your journey, so it is time to step back. Your boundaries might have gotten mixed up, and you might have lost sight of where it was headed.
It is also a reminder to re-evaluate how you have let the situation affect you and your energetic boundaries.
If the relationship is intimate, the energy boundaries easily diffuse. We take on our spouse’s baggage, struggle with saying “ No!” and always try to appease them.
This is a classic case of energy abandonment. More often than not, we fail to recognize the physical symptoms when someone crosses our energy boundaries.
You feel it in your guts that something is wrong, sometimes your heart palpitates at an abnormal rate, you sweat profusely, your entire body shakes with nervousness, you feel physically exhausted and just cannot do anything.
These are indicators that you have let someone’s energy field affect you.
The best way to protect your energy boundaries is to cushion your emotions from external influences without cutting cords with others. Practicing spirituality takes you to another level of awareness that lets you distinguish between your energies, emotions, and thoughts from others.
A practice called Me/Not-Me helps you define your personal space and keeps away things that don’t belong to you. Using this technique, you’ll feel safer, more stable, and more robust in different situations.
It stops you from absorbing other people’s emotions, clears up your thoughts and feelings, and helps you deal with relationships better.
It also enables you to set clear boundaries and limits because you’ll know who you are and what you believe in.
Setting healthy, energetic boundaries will not isolate you from others. It will enrich, nourish, and nurture the life you have always wanted to create.
Eventually, you will spiritually align your energies and, at every level, get support from the people who resonate with you.
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Dr. Manmeet Kumar is a Spiritual Coach who founded Soul Miracles in 2016. She uses her gifts of being a psychic and a medium to enable others to transform their inner core.