Quick Reads

Connecting With My Deceased Husband Saved My Life

how to spiritually connect with someone who passed away

 42 years old and inconsolable. One of the most moving example of channeled Automatic Writing stories of people who have done the workshop with us is of Sheetal (name changed due to privacy).   Sheetal lost her husband unexpectedly one night when her children were 11 and 14. This hit her in the face like

Connecting With My Deceased Husband Saved My Life Read More »

How much of Giving is Kind Enough?

give and take essay

we should seek clarity on what we are considering as help vis-a-vis what the other person is seeking as help. While with all good intentions, you might be busy providing for their comfort and survival, but the other person might not be looking for comfort. They are maybe looking for an emotional audience to vent and feel good. In simpler terms, you might be giving someone apples, but they may be looking for oranges.

How much of Giving is Kind Enough? Read More »

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