Buddha Purnima is a significant day in any spiritual aspirant’s life. The May of 2022 is even more characteristic as Buddha Purnima and the Full Moon are falling on the same day! This auspicious day commemorates the birth, enlightenment, and attainment of Mahasamadhi by Gautama the Buddha.
Rejoice, light beings! This is a time for celebration and experiencing joy. For those of you who don’t know, our emotions are heightened on Full Moon nights, both within and outside. There are ways to harness this emotional energy toward health, Blissfulness, and Success.
The Generosity of the Full Moon
A Full Moon Meditation helps you experience happiness, joy & bliss. It opens the heart & gives you compassion in a state of grace; it expands consciousness and balances the mind; it gives them the confidence to face and overcome challenges.
The radiance you experience will enable you to uplift the hearts of others just by being in their presence. The effect of all spiritual practices effect multiplies a thousandfold under the robust Full Moon. This is a twice-blessed day and a very auspicious time for meditation & prayer.
This 16th of May is an opportunity to experience meditation and mysticism with Dr. Manmit Kumarr. Imbibe the possibilities of the Full Moon and explore the most profound aspects of life.
Explore the possibility of transformation by falling in love with yourself, by nourishing your EMOTIONAL BODY.
The Historical Day of Buddha Purnima
This May Full Moon Meditation is of course, more remarkable because it falls on Buddha Purnima. After almost eight years of very body-destroying efforts, Gautama had become very weak. For four years, he had been a Śramaṇa.
The main sadhana for a Śramaṇa was walking and never seeking food – solely walking and fasting. This saga destroyed Buddha’s body almost to the point of death.
At this time, he came to the river Niranjana, which like many other rivers in India today, had dried up and disappeared. This river was just a large stream with knee-high water flowing swiftly.
He tried to cross the river, but halfway across, his body was so physically weak that he could not take one more step.
Buddha’s Legacy to the World
What we now know is that Buddha was not the kind to give up, so he just held on to a dead branch and stood. It is said that he stood like that for many hours.
However, one can’t really say if he stood for many hours or for a few moments, which seemed like hours in that state of weakness. At that moment, he realized the truth that would become his main legacy to the world.
That what he is seeking is, after all, within himself, so why all this struggle? “All that is needed is the absolute willingness, and it is right here. Why am I searching around the world?”, he pondered.
When he realized this, he had that little extra ounce of energy to take that step, walk across the river and sit down under the now-famous Bodhi tree.
Buddha determined, “Unless the Ultimate happens to me, I will not move. Either I will get up as an Enlightened Being or die in this posture.” And finally, he was there, in that enlightenment state; because that is all it takes.
A Call for Celebration
We call you to celebrate this Maha (Grand) occasion with us on the 16th of May, 2022. On this day of community learning, let’s meditate for inner peace, clarity, and above all, joy. Let’s rejoice on the occasion of Buddha Purnima and the Full Moon together.
Reach us out on 9811626045

Dr. Manmeet Kumar is a Spiritual Coach who founded Soul Miracles in 2016. She uses her gifts of being a psychic and a medium to enable others to transform their inner core.