Dr. Manmit Kumarr

Dr. Manmeet Kumar is a Spiritual Coach who founded Soul Miracles in 2016. She uses her gifts of being a psychic and a medium to enable others to transform their inner core.

7 Awesome Ways Akashic Records Can Transform Your Life

Do you often wake up at night with vivid dreams of your past life? Have you ever asked yourself why you manifest a complex life? Are you struggling with your relationships and money?   Is negative energy taking a toll on your mental and emotional well-being? Akashic Records are the answer to your life’s “why”

7 Awesome Ways Akashic Records Can Transform Your Life Read More »

Can we develop our Intuition! Part one – taking a step into this world…

Lizzie often feels that when she’s talking to people. She can sense in the pit of her stomach if the other person is being completely open and honest with her.   She has tested this and found it to be true. At other times Lizzie has just chosen to ignore this feeling. Later found out

Can we develop our Intuition! Part one – taking a step into this world… Read More »

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